Smart Utility Management for Multi-residential Properties

Smart utility management system for multi-residential properties

Detecting Premature Failure

Developer Case Study DiagramAt Clean Cut Energy, we are passionate about submetering. Many of our development partners work very hard to build beautiful buildings that people can be proud to call home. But what happens when there is a weak link in the chain? Developers rely on a long chain of parts and building supplies and labour that go into each project; when equipment fails prematurely, the results can bring a lot of frustration for customers.

One of our development partners experienced such a situation when p-trap primer valves under warranty by the developer started to fail within the first year of installation. Our smart utility management system detected the failure and started an enquiry into the problem, working with the developer and plumber to identify the problem.

We were able to design a custom alarm that would directly notify the plumber so that a homeowner would get a call for faulty valve replacement before they even knew there was a problem. Talk about customer service.

This situation could have resulted in lots of high bills and long, drawn out problems for all involved. But with a little engineering-enuity, we were able to fix the problem and help the developer maintain their reputation for excellent customer service.

We believe utility savings should be as easy to access as flicking off a light switch.